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Doctor Holding Patient's Hand

Host Best Practice or Medical Director on a private cloud server

Moving to a private cloud server means you no longer need a physical server to access your Practice Management software.
Access your practice management software including Best Practice or Medical Director from multiple practices, your home or visiting sites via the Internet.
Access all your electronic referrals (eg MedicalObjects), online appointments using AutoMed & HotDocs as well as your pathology data from both QML and SNP.

Our service focuses on ensuring data security, server reliability and excellent support services.

Software Hosting for Medical General Practice

We specialise in the private cloud hosting of both Best Practice and Medical Director for Australian Medical General Practices.
Free setup plus unlimited server support
Free server support from our Australian-based Support Centre

Security, privacy and data-sovereignty
Data is stored on a private hosted server (not shared) located in an ISO accredited data-centre within Australia

Full server backups are completed every 24 hours reta
ined for a minimum of 7 days (choose our additional monthly backups to extend your retention period).

Anywhere-anytime access
Work from home or while travelling, facilitating the ideal work-life balance
Seamless integration between your practice management software and your online appointments, electronic referrals and pathology downloaders

Multiple Data-Centres in AWS "Availability Zone" Your virtual private server's data is hosted across multiple data-centres for maximum disaster resilience.
Flexible & scalable
Add or remove user accounts, storage and Microsoft Office licenses


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the pricing work?
We do not charge an up-front setup fee and have a simple monthly subscription pricing model. The price will depend on the number of staff accessing the system, the size of the data you wish to host and the performance level of the server chosen. There is no lock-in contract. Just use month-to-month.
What do I need to get started?
All you need is an Internet connected PC or Laptop to start using your private cloud server.  
How do I move my data to the cloud server?
We provide a free setup and data migration service to ensure downtime is minimised.  We upload your database via the Internet overnight and in the morning you are ready to start using your private cloud server.
Will the service suit my practice?
Habitat3 cloud servers are perfect for small start-up practices as the pricing is very flexible and is affordable.
Our service is also great for those practices looking to escape the ongoing cycle of replacing on premise servers and being responsible for backups and maintenance.
Cloud servers are also great value for multi-site practices accessing a central system from many locations due to the scalability and flexibility of the technology. 



Case Studies


Country Doctors

Habitat3 helped a regional Medical GP practice ensure data security and service reliability to underpin their patient care by creating a secure AWS and Windows environment to host their practice management software and associated patient data.

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Hammond Health

Habitat3 enabled the Hammond Health regional medical practice to use secure, modern, cloud based infrastructure to overcome some of the most basic barriers to owning a medical practice; that is access to quality ICT support in a regional setting, high initial outlays for onsite server and backup systems, and the challenge associated with maintaining a server.


National Vision Optometrists

Habitat3 helped a multi-site chain of optometrists centralise their practice management software and large retinal image database within a single hosted Windows solution at AWS. 


Victor Eye Centre

Habitat3 enabled Victor Eye Centre to digitally transform their business optimising data security, application reliability and technology costs. This includes the hosting of their practice management software, their practice phone system and securing their endpoints.

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